News and Newsletters

Friday, 13 January, 2017
The yatris (travellers) were welcomed warmly wherever they went.

Over the years and decades, change has been demanded from people to governments, corporations, media and the other person. The 'Punarutthan Padyatra' or 'March on Foot', which was recently held in Jamshedpur in the state of Jharkhand, India, asked everyone they met along the way one thing, 'Change your country by starting with yourself'. A journey across 12 panchayats (village councils), through three districts, with many villages, covering a total of approximately 350 km. People from all backgrounds and ages were inspired by it.

Thursday, 08 December, 2016
Farmers' Dialogue in Battambang, Cambodia

Final declaration following the Farmers' Dialogue that was held in Battambang, Cambodia, from 26 to 30 November 2016.

Monday, 28 November, 2016
Soubert Son, initiator of the Dialogue, the bishop of Battambang and two German delegates

On Saturday 26 November 2016, at Chour Khour Restaurant in Battambang, the international Farmers’ Dialogue was welcomed by the Cambodian organizing IofC team. The catholic Bishop Enrique Figaredo Alvargonzalez of the Battambang Apostolic Prefecture greeted 100 participants and many other guests before blessing the gathering.

Thursday, 07 January, 2016
Muna Ismail

The commitment of Muna Ismail, originally from Somalia, to restore farmer’s livelihoods in dry areas is resulting in pioneering work. She is convinced that yeheb, a unique dry-land wild and domesticated crop, could be a part of the future for food security in the arid lands of the Horn of Africa.

Friday, 20 November, 2015
rencontre farmers dialogue mayotte

News of the launch of the international meeting of the International Farmers' Dialogue on 12 November 2015 in Mayotte. The presence of foreign farmers led one journalist to state that it was perhaps the first international meeting that has taken place on the island.

Friday, 30 October, 2015
marche local roumanie posesti

Visiting the Romanian region of Transylvania in August 2015, farmers and agricultural officials from Mauges, western France, exchanged and explored ways of developing rural production and associated projects.

Saturday, 07 November, 2015
logo journal de mayotte

On 28 October, the online newspaper, JDM (Journal de Mayotte), echoed the work of the Farmers Dialogue in Mayotte: 'After the success of the agricultural fair in 2011, Mayotte will once again move to the rhythm of the countryside. From 13 to 15 November, an agricultural exhibition will be held in Mtsapere, alongside an international conference organised by the NGO Farmers’ Dialogue.'

Tuesday, 16 December, 2014
Farmers Dialogue 2014 in India

The International Farmers’ Dialogue was officially opened on Thursday 4 December. Where do the farmers get their motivation from, when faced by so many difficulties, and in order to fulfil their task to feed the world?

Tuesday, 09 December, 2014

Buchman, Initiator of IofC said "There is enough for everyone's need but not for everyone's greed, if we shared enough and cared enough everyone would have enough" Welcoming the delegates on behalf of Asia Plateau the director Dr.Ravindra Rao said, IofC inspires people to "Care enough and Share enough"

Tuesday, 18 March, 2014
The Future of Farming (cropped)

Jim Wigan reviews 'The Future of Farming - The rise of the Rural Entrepreneur' by Edwin Van Raalte and Marjan Van Riel, which gives a realistic picture of today’s farming world and offers a thought-out way to feed everyone.
