When we meet people from different backgrounds, we discover more as we share our experiences. What we hear and see helps us to develop. While we listen and share, our attitudes change and our understanding changes. This is the base on which we can create a common vision for our profession, our contribution and our mission to feed the world.

Thursday, 03 April, 2014
John, Jenny, Phyllis and Bill

News of an extraordinary Canadian family who, as well as taking responsibility for farming in their own country, have visited farmers in other parts of the world to share needs, challenges and solutions.

Saturday, 24 August, 2013
Shailendra Mahato

Shailendra Mahato and his wife Sushila live in the northeast of India, in an industrial region. The farmers are among the poorest of India, they have no irrigation and are not able to cultivate rice outside the monsoon season, mid-June to mid-October. After his studies, Shailendra wanted to find a job in a business. It meant leaving his village. This raised the question: ‘Why leave my village to make a living? I am farmer; I should be able to earn my living from my land and help others too’. To do this it would be necessary to solve the problem of the irrigation. He decided to create reservoirs.

Wednesday, 24 July, 2013
Duncan Nduhiu

Duncan Nduhiu of the Nyala Milk collection scheme in Kenya is known to many as Maziwa Mingi (Much Milk). In 2000 he was troubled by the lack of milk marketing facilities for the many small farmers in his area. He met with friends to discuss the matter. The first meeting ended in disagreement. He met again with ten close friends and they each decided to find ten more, each person selling a goat to raise funds to found what became the Nyala Milk collection scheme. They started with 240 members, and have grown to over 30,000 members - the largest milk collection scheme in Kenya. It provides a secure income for farmers with as one cow.
