Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Farmers' Dialogue training in Congo

Formation DEA Congo 1er juin 2013

Farmers’ Dialogue in Congo continues with its work! Alphonse Bisusa, president of FD - DR Congo was the main speaker at a Farmers’ training day (1st of June) in Bukavu, organized by the Kitumaini Association, attended by 40 people – mainly women – and run in the local language Mashi.

Theme of the day: Social Economy and Solidarity to reduce Poverty and Hunger
Aim: To help Farmers to get out of poverty through their own means.

The participants have underlined the importance of local associations, which enable them to share experiences, gain new knowledge, help each other and avoid isolation.

The result: Farmers understanding they can reduce their poverty by implementing on their farm what they learn in the meetings and what they see on the association demonstration plots. After groups meetings, a string was passed joining all participants as a sign of the unity and the solidarity which are needed for development. As a conclusion, they have been encouraged, not only to spread what they learnt, but also to implement it on their own farm, in order to reduce poverty and hunger, in the families, the villages, the province, the country and the world.


Formation DEA Congo 1er juin 2013 Formation DEA Congo 1er juin 2013 Formation DEA Congo 1er juin 2013